Mentoring – Stewart Cycle A fictional business demonstrating business concepts and providing guidance Sat, 12 Oct 2013 01:05:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finding it difficult to make progress in small business? Sat, 07 Sep 2013 18:16:50 +0000 Multi-Generational Mentoring helps small businesses gain leverage on their competitors by engaging the experience of maturity and the knowledge and energy of youth.ID-10050829

The Reluctant Mentor, a book by Lew Sauder and Jeff Porter explores how Baby Boomers and Millenials, particularly Generation Y and to a lesser degree Generation X can mentor each other in the modern workplace.

The Reluctant Mentor Sat, 07 Sep 2013 17:47:55 +0000 In this fictional account of Stewart  Bicycle Manufacturing, Lew Sauder and Jeff Porter explore the working relationship between a successful baby boomer business owner and his Generation Y employee.

A self-made man, Roger created his mountain biking business without the help of social networking and only a very basic web presence. Phil, a recent college graduate, has grown up with the Internet and all its related technologies his whole life. Roger doesn’t understand the point of “fads” such as Facebook and Twitter accounts; Phil doesn’t understand why Roger doesn’t want to do more to advance his business into the twenty-first century. coming_soon

Roger assumes he can mentor Phil on the finer points of budgets and spreadsheets but is surprised to learn that Phil can mentor him on a few things as well.

The Reluctant Mentor will be available for sale soon – For pre-release notification and a chance to be featured on one of our podcast episodes, register now at The

Tired of battling in the Workplace? – Leverage Multi-Generational Mentoring Sat, 07 Sep 2013 16:58:15 +0000 The Reluctant Mentor  – A book by Lew Sauder and Jeff Porter

In this fictional account of Stewart  Bicycle Manufacturing, Sauder and Porter explore the coming_soonworking relationship between a successful baby boomer business owner and his Generation Y employee. A self-made man, Roger created his mountain biking business without the help of social networking. Phil, a recent college graduate, has grown up with the Internet and all its related technologies his whole life. Roger assumes he can mentor Phil on the finer points of budgets and spreadsheets but is surprised to learn that Phil can mentor him on a few things as well.

The traditional approach to mentoring was for the more-experienced workers to mentor the younger, greener workers, handing their knowledge down to the next generation. However, the current young generation, Generation Y, is much more unique than their preceding generations due to recent technological developments and have different experiences to share with their older managers. The term many people use for this concept is reverse mentoring, but Sauder and Porter believe the optimal solution is multi-generational mentoring–each generation sharing knowledge with the other for better leadership development, better intergenerational relationships, higher employee retention rates, and higher organizational-wide knowledge of technology.
